Bird observatory
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." — John Muir
The Tennessee River Gorge Trust’s Bird Observatory was established in 2014 to serve as the hub for all TRGT bird monitoring and banding operations in the Tennessee River Gorge. Our objectives are to operate a streamline banding station in accordance with the most current North American Banding Council standards and guidelines. Our team pursues meaningful research projects focusing on our local birds and their relation to the overall health of the forests and streams within the Tennessee River Gorge. We also engage and educate our community about the need for this work and the value of its application. With these actions, we hope to uncover trends that will better inform our forestry management decisions, enabling us to preserve the Gorge for generations to come.
TRGT has been protecting land that serves as critical wildlife habitat in the Gorge for over 40 years. Habitat loss is the leading cause of the massive bird population declines of the 21st century (read this NY Times article to learn more). This is one of the many reasons why TRGT is conserving wildlife habitat through land protection. We are also conducting innovative research to better understand what is happening with our local bird populations in order to better inform our own land management decisions.
Current Bird Research
Louisiana Waterthrush and Worm-eating Warbler Geolocator Project
Photo Credit © Tim Jeffers
The final count for the 2018 bird banding season is here!