Pot Point Butterfly Meadow Restoration

Come volunteer to help promote native vegetation growth and remove invasive species from the Pot Point Butterfly Meadow!

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The Pot Point Butterfly Meadow is a certified Monarch Waystation. The meadow contains a variety of native plants that provide important habitat for a variety of pollinator species, including migrating Monarch Butterflies. This pollinator species play a critical role in maintaining plant communities and broader ecosystems through pollination. Additionally, these pollinators provide an essential ecosystem service for people: crop pollination. Without healthy populations of pollinator species, many native plant communities would suffer and agricultural crop production could plummet. These critters are one of the unsung heroes of our environment!

What will we be doing?

The group will be working in the Butterfly Meadow spreading native seeds by hand, digging holes to plant seedlings, and removing invasive species from the site. This important work will help improve the habitat quality for an array of pollinator species.

Where and When?

The group will meet at the Pot Point Nature Loop and Ritchie Hollow trailhead parking lot (17805 River Canyon Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405) on January 28 at 9:30 AM EST. The parking lot is directly across from the historic Pot Point Cabin. The project will last roughly 3 hours. Lunch will be provided by TRGT.

What should we bring? 

We recommend closed toed shoes, long pants, and a water bottle. Remember to bring clothes that can get dirty since we’ll be working in the dirt. TRGT will provide all the tools, but you are welcomed to bring your own trowel or weed wrench if you’d like.

Event Registration