BIRD-BANDING: NEW Logo for Bird Observatory


BIRD-BANDING: NEW Logo for Bird Observatory

The Trust bird lab has its very own logo! Designed by our Cerulean Warbler Researcher Holland Youngman, the logo features a Scarlet Tanager, a common nester in the Tennessee River Gorge. We'll be getting official Bird Observatory shirts with corresponding logo for all of our researchers! 



WORM-EATING: Holland Performing Point Counts

Holland Youngman, the UTC Graduate Student conducting our Cerulean Warbler research, has been out in the field since mid-May conducting point counts. Her protocol includes visiting set locations every single day and listening for birds for ten minutes at each stop. We have not heard any Ceruleans yet, but we are not giving up! We'll be adjusting Holland's protocol to determine presence/absence of the bird in a different way. 

Ceruleans were last recorded in the Gorge in the late 1990s, when the last thorough bird survey was completed. If Ceruleans have left our forests in the past decade, we need to know WHY. Because Ceruleans are an indicator species, their leaving tells us that our forests are not healthy and our forest management plans need to be reworked.



BIRD-BANDING: The Bird Observatory is COMPLETE!

After a week of building, the Tennessee River Gorge Trust's Bird-Banding Lab is COMPLETE! 

This lab will serve as the home base for bird-banders John Diener and Lizzie Goodrick to conduct longterm bird monitorings in the Gorge. Soon, we will know exactly which birds pass through the Gorge during migration and which stay here to breed! We anticipate that our bird inventorying process will continue for at least ten to fifteen years. After the first few years of inventorying, the Trust will use the data to better manage our forests to promote the survivorship of our birds. 




For all you people who have eagerly been awaiting the Cerulean Warbler Coffee from Velo Coffee Roasters, this post is for you! The shade-grown coffee beans are on their way and should be delivered this week. (Click here to read about the Organic Popoyan coffee beans we're getting!) Once delivered, Andrew Gage will roast the beans and have them for sale around the first week of June. Assuming all goes well, the coffee will be available for puchase at our annual event, Not JUST Another Gorgeous Evening
